Hands-on workshop on wire bending session – “ROUND EDGE: START TO FINISH”

programme was held on the 17th and 18th of April 2024, in
the auditorium of Banglore Institute of Dental Sciences and Hospital. The audience
were addressed by The Principal, Dr. Vinaya.S.Pai. She briefed the audience about
the importance of wire bending to achieve results customized to individual
patients and their unique smiles. Wire bending is said to be one of the core must-have
skills of an orthodontist. Consistent practice makes perfect so the earlier an
orthodontist-in -training is taught this art, the better he gets.
Dr Elbe Peter
gave a talk on the Evolution of Edgewise technique and arch forms followed by a
demo and hands-on on first-order, second-order, third order and most commonly
used loops in orthodontics T loop, T spring, Foot loop, Tear drop loop,
double-key hole loop, utility arch and K-SIR loop.
Dr Manjunath
Hegde gave a talk on the biomechanics of round wire auxiliaries followed by
demo and hands-on and how it could be integrated with Pre-adjusted Edgewise appliances.
post-graduate students from various colleges in Banglore had attended the
program and made the best use of it. Wire bendings of students were evaluated
and Dr Potluru Supraja Sai , a postgraduate student from Krishnadevaraya
College of Dental Sciences was awarded the Textbook- Essential of Orthodontic
Biomechanics-basic and applied(Authored by Dr Vijay jayadee and Dr Chetan jayadee) for the best wire bending
skill in the programme.
The above-mentioned
CDE Programme was organized and executed by Dr. Harish Kumar. N, Dr.Mrunmayee
Gholap, Dr.Chaitra C under the guidance of Dr.Vinaya.S. Pai, Dr. Siri Krishna,
and Dr. Manjunath Hegde.